Guilford Interfaith Volunteers programs rely on the generous support of the people and charitable institutions in our local community for grants and gifts of money and goods.
To support our day to day operations you can donate online with paypal
or you can send your donation to
Guilford Interfaith Volunteers
310 State St, Unit 200
Guilford, CT 06437
our tax exempt number is 06-1139541
To ensure a source of income for the future, you can donate to the Guilford Interfaith Volunteers Endowment Fund with the Guilford Foundation
Charlie’s Closet needs donations of used medical equipment such as walkers and wheelchairs.
The Guilford Food Bank depends upon gifts of canned and packaged foods to stock our shelves.
The Shattuck Fund purchases fresh fruits and vegetables for Food Bank recipients.
Please call 203-453-8359 to learn the many ways you can help to continue our programs!